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反式魁北克 & 海事管道(全面质量管理)


Trans qu忧郁 & 海事管道(全面质量管理) has been operational since 1982 and is owned equally by subsidiaries of two major Canadian companies in the natural gas industry, Énergir和TC能源. TQM’s system is operated by TC Energy and supplies natural gas through Énergir to residential, 商业和工业客户, as well as downstream customers in the Northeastern United States and Atlantic Canada.

The 649 km (403 miles) system includes 37 delivery points and four compressor stations and is interconnected to two storage sites and two renewable natural gas receipts. The system transports natural gas from an interconnect with TC Energy’s Canadian Mainline at Les Cèdres, 去了一个靠近quacimbec市的地方, 在圣巴巴拉河南岸的lsamvis市. 劳伦斯河. 另外, 系统从Terrebonne延伸而来, 蒙特利尔北部, 到东赫里福德, 在与新罕布什尔的边界上, where it interconnects with the Portland 天然气 Transmission System. In 2022, TQM将现有管道集成到其系统中, from an interconnection with TC Energy’s Mainline in Sainte-Anne-de-Sabrevois, 谢福德, 在那里,它与现有的TQM管道相互连接.

The system is also interconnected with Énergir’s distribution system and provides approximately 50 per cent of the natural gas supply to Énergir. TQM crosses the territory of 83 municipalities and the property of approximately 1,900 landowners.

TQM is regulated by the 加拿大能源监管机构(CER) with regard to its transportation tolls and its facilities.

如需商业信息,请访问 全面质量管理管道.


Carries natural gas from Ontario, and PNGTS System in the Northeast US to Québec

Delivers fuel for business, industry and customers in Québec, Canada

文档 & 地图

Trans qu忧郁 & 海事管道(全面质量管理) 安全 supplies natural gas to business and customers in the province of Québec.

TQM流水线图/Carte de Gazoduc TQM




Trans qu忧郁 & 海事管道(全面质量管理) is governed according to regulations outlined by the 加拿大能源监管机构(CER).

当地的 1-403-292-4800 1-403-292-5503
免费 1-800-899-1265 1-877-288-8803


如果你对这个项目有任何疑问, 请通过以下联系方式与我们联系. 


Gazoduc Trans qu忧郁 & 滨海诸省公司. (全面质量管理)
450 – 1 St. SW
T2P 5 h1

1-450-462-5300 1-800-661-3805 
1-888-810-8800 免费电话(北美) 1-450-462-5388


Our commitment to the safety of our people, pipelines and facilities is unwavering, visit our 联系 查看我们完整的紧急电话号码列表.
A key component in maintaining the 完整性 of our facilities is input from all stakeholders: 土著 communities, 土地所有者和政府. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请告诉我们.

450 – 1 St. SW
T2P 5 h1

TC能源欢迎传媒查询. 如有任何问题,请联络:
1-800-608-7859 免费电话(北美)
We welcome inquiries from analysts, shareholders and prospective shareholders at: 
1-800-361-6522 免费电话(北美)